Mon-Fri 11:00 - 18:00 Sat 11:00 - 15:00
at 21 DeBeauvoir Road N1 5SF London
Private view the 28th of November at 14:30
Hidden Art Open Studios 27-28/11/10 & 4-5/12/10
opening times: Sat - Sun 12:00 - 18:00, except for Sun the 28th (Private View)
Tel +44 207 2759436, info@urbanupholstery.com
"Urban Upholstery" is celebrating two years of successful collaborations with local designers, crafts-makers and artists! For this special occasion, we are teaming up with the companies that have been working closely to us as AtaDesigns, Bird In The Hand, Elli Popp, Madeleine Boulesteix, Secondnature and Woosa Woosa.